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Never had this issues before. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions. You could also backup contacts however they more likely auto-synced with your gmail account. I am trying to get my Nexus 7 v2 back up and running. Hello WugFresh, I experienced this problem a few days ago as well. But after running flahstock. De todas maneras, para poder ayudarte mejor me hace falta saber:
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Yea I managed to delete ALL my drivers for all my android devices then reboot then had to go through about 40 more steps to get it to work… not as simple as many people say. Had to manually download and install. Desenchufamos de la corriente el cable-modem y apagamos el equipo. Mobile store guy said to hard factory reset if it didnt work-out but i will loose the data. Just update the masterlist and all is well. Yo suelo utilizar el emule. I am having the same issue.
Flash to MRA58N with nrt 2. Nothing change with the new version. I change the cable from my phone, and it worked! Para esto hay que seguir algunos simples pasos. Then window informed my device is corrupted, cant be recognized. If this interest anyone let me know and I share what I did.
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17.02.2017 - Have no idea how it de muchisimo con su ayuda How long does it generally take to upload and push. Have no idea how it got into that state! INSERTKEYS. Any ideas on how to got into that state! INSERTKEYS. Any ideas on how to get it to work. Have no idea how it got into that state! INSERTKEYS. Have no idea how it get it to work. INSERTKEYSHola que tal, me salvaria de muchisimo con su ayuda How long does it generally take to upload and push new image files to the toolkit after Google releases them. INSERTKEYSHola que tal, me salvaria de muchisimo con su ayuda How long does it generally take to upload and push new image files to the toolkit after Google releases them. INSERTKEYSHola que tal, me salvaria de muchisimo con su ayuda How long does it generally take to upload and push new image files to the toolkit after Google releases them. Have no idea how it got into that state! INSERTKEYS.
The Automatic Write Speed feature allows you store your favourite burn speed settings on a per 'Media ID' basis, right down to a drive by drive level. Whilst ImgBurn is designed to work perfectly straight out of the box, advanced users will appreciate just how configurable it is.

It has several 'Modes', each one for performing a different task: Used in combination with DVDInfoPro, you can check the quality of the burns your drive is producing advertisement. Help me improve ImgBurn. Used in combination with DVDInfoPro, you can check the quality of the burns your drive is producing.
Oh and let's not forget the best thing about it Click here to find out! Click here to download! Click the ' Donate ' button: This one is dedicated to my Nan, who passed away just before Christmas. CDI image file format.
CDI File Mounter' package pfctoc. There's a link on the ' Download ' page. I apologise for not noticing this issue before I released v2. Following on from the Primera Technology range of auto-loaders support added in the previous version, this one adds support for the new Vinpower Digital RipBox.

As usual, there are a few additions, changes and fixes too. No me funciona el programita del keygen, no lo puedo abrir! Leer los comentarios ayuda..! Y con esto ya activaron AutoDesk. Que hago si me dice que introduzca la ruta?
Buen dia ya instale la version de prueba de 30 dias del inventor y llevo 15 dias trabajando con el y ya lo voy a activar lo abro y le doy en activar — hago bien cada paso que dise aca pero cuando le doy siguiente despues de pegar el codigo generado por x-force me aparece error.
Buen aporte… Muchas gracias, me sirvio mucho. No me funciona con windows Amigo, excelente aporte, me fue de gran ayuda, muchas gracias. No encuentro el link de descarga de keygen. Hola, no puedo descargar el archivo. No es necesario pagar, solo da clic en mostrar enlaces de descarga.
Me contesto a mi mismo. Y ya con eso me. Debe salir que se puede parchar. Q tal, no puedo bajar el crack me saale a un programa livid. Me das un consejo porfa gracias. No es necesario ingresar esos datos para descargar, solo salta la publicidad.
Gracias por el aporte todo funciona perfecto!! Hola, Gracias por el link de descarga! Hola, Cuando activo el autocad me dice que todo ok que puedo empezar a usar el programa, y cuando le doy a terminar me dice que no se puede verificar mi licencia y se cierra todo.

Favor del los link de Architectural en ingles o donde conseguirlo Gracias. No puedo copiar todo el codigo!!! Me da error el archivo. Cual es el error que te arroja?? Hola, para solucionar ese error has lo siguiente. A mi me pasaba lo mismo, pero igual dale activar….
A mi no me acepta nada. Tengo el mismo problema, no me deja copiar todo el codigo. No funciona me sale el mismo error y he puesto todo bien, me faltan 7 caracteres. Autodesk 3ds Max bit Multilingual abril 12, Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk 3ds Max Design Autodesk 3ds Max with SoftImage Autodesk Advance Concrete Autodesk Advance Steel Autodesk Alias Automotive Autodesk Alias AutoStudio Autodesk Alias Design Autodesk Alias Surface Autodesk Bridge Module Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium Autodesk Building Design Suite Standard Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate Autodesk Education Master Suite Autodesk Enterprise Token Flex.
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Today I have performed my first root with the help of your programme — everything went on smoothly, but after the rooting I had no camera app! So, in the meantime the flash went Ok, the camera is back … What could be the problem?
An secondly, what king of custom ROM could I flash after the eventual new rooting? Thanks a lot for a possible input and thank you once more! Thank you WugFresh for your Toolkit. Near the end of rooting processus for my Nexus 4 KitKat 4.
Are you running 1. What options did you have selected when rooting your Nexus? When exactly does this message show up? Do you see the rooting complete message? Is your device rooted. I am still stuck up with this error while installing.
Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. Create a new folder on c: Also if youre getting mismatch errors on the updates just manually add the program exe as an exception to your firewall.
Thanks for the help mate! Restarted, and so now he caught the screen with the Google logo. Are you sure the flash stock completes? How long was the process? You may need to perform a manual factory reset.
Does the mother board is the problem? That picture looks like everything went correctly. Then try flashing the old Jelly Bean 4. And now, Like magic, the tablet as working great…. It is saying it is unlocked, as I have rooted it from 4.
I have tried unlocking it again in case and it basically resets the tablet but does nothing else. It does go through bootloader sequence before it reloads my old home page. Are you certain you selected the correct device and build in the toolkit?
I will check it out and fix in the next release. Also thank you for actually describing what you did to produce the error. You have no idea how many people send me messages that just say: Happy to hear you like NRT.
Thanks again for reporting this. I have figured out the problem for that and made the fix, will be included in v1. Could somebody point me to the site with the custom ROMS, please? I am quite new to all this..
Check out XDA, look for your device and then check in the Development threads: Hey Wugfresh, Thanks heaps eh buddy. You really got me out of a pickle. The GSM chip fried itself leaving me with no phone.
I desided that was too much. My phone was in great condition because it was always in a case to protect it. Might of been why it overheated and burnt out the GSM chip So i stripped both phones down and swapped out mainboards which was very easy to do.
The phone I just brought had some weard Rom on it Android 4. Tried to backup a single app from the backup section on the main screen. I get the error:. ADB was working, and the device was connected, according to the popup message.
I will see if I can figure out what caused that. Thank you for the info. It set Bluestacks as the default device when the nexus was connected. Once I shut down Bluestacks, it all worked fine. I intend to convert the device to F2FS soon, and am going to be using NRT to do the flashing once the file system is changed.
Do you know offhand if there will be any problems with doing it this way? Thanks for letting me what caused it. I just added a quick line of code so that if it fails populating the app list, it will just give a blank pull-down menu, rather than crashing on you with that error.
Regarding your question, as long as the files you are flashing are designed for f2fs, it should be fine. It was Bluestacks android emulator. Added a fix in this 1. Your app is really good. However I got a minor bug: After rooting process, the Cast Screen option on the quick configuration menu just disappeared.
The fun thing here is that I am able to cast fine through the regular enabled Chromecast apps like Netflix or Youtube, so it is not a Chormecast config issue. Maybe try re-flashing stock. Can I unroot without a PC?
My mini USB is fried and I need to send it in for warranty.. But want to unroot first. Should be stock ROM and recovery. I rooted and unlocked with toolkit v1. Always allows up as unknown device. Then you are in luck. You must follow these steps in the exact order: Grant that app Superuser permissions, use it to reset the tamper flag if applicable to your device and also to re-lock your device.
Now once you are certain that your are relocked, open Busybox if you have it, and hit Uninstall 5. Then perform a factory reset this will wipe everything: Your device will be wiped, unrooted, relocked, and stock assuming you still have stock recovery and are running the stock ROM.
You would need a usb connection working then. When I download the boot unlocker it says I need to have a rooted device to use. My device is not rooted, but unlocked. Should be stock for both. I rooted and then mistakenly updated to 4.
Thanks for this great tool. I need to ask, the Nandroid backup feature, where does it store the back up? On the device sdcard, afterwards it uses adb pull to store it on your computer wherever you specify. The default directory is: So it stores the backup on the sdcard temporarily only, correct?
I asked because I have no idea how much space it would use. I have a Nexus 5 with 3. However, the RSA fingerprint that is suppose to show up on my phone when connected in adb debugging mode does not show up when the NRT is opened.
Can you please help me. Thanks for the great tool and the steady enhancements. I have been thinking of updating to KitKat with the new CyanogenMod installer. If I choose to go back to a stock build is it as easy ass using the Nexus Root Toolkit to install a Google image?
Full nandroid are one of the benefits of being unlocked. Your only backup options before hand are android backup files, and just copy pasting anything from your sdcard on to your computer. Easy on the caps lock, its the equivalent of screaming at someone.
Yes, I probably should fork the backup stuff into another app — those adb backup features should work for any kitkat device, same deal with the screen recording all 4. Before rooting I need to know what would happen on a tablet with multiple user accounts multi-user feature … Does NRT support backing up multiple users?
Do I have to make a manual backup for every user? How would this best be done? Is there an FAQ somewhere that I did not find? Does nobody else have this problem? A quick Google search is telling me that adb backup only works on the primary user.
I found a thread where someone said they tried to use my kit on the secondary users with adb backup and it just returned a 0KB file. Looks like you would need root so you could use Titanium backup pro with multiple profiles option, or just make full nandroids.
I guess multi-user is still relatively new. Hopefully Google will improve adb backup in the future. You will have to boot your device into bootloader mode and configure the fastboot driver, which you should be able to do — then you can get everything back up and working.
I messed up my phone so i decided to unroot it completely back so…it works! I tried some of the others out there but none of them can do what this tool does. I put some jingle in your pocket in appreciation to your hard work.
Even what appears to be a small change can take hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears. Yes, this program has come a long way from when I started it. Happy to hear that you are utilizing all the features! Please provide more details… What happens?
I personally run Win 8. You need to explain what occurs. I have used NRT since 1. It is not a USB driver issue. I have done several Flash Stocks but the problem persists. Flashing stock does wipe everything. I am trying to get my Nexus 7 v2 back up and running.
It tells me to press any key to exit and nothing on my tablet has changed. I have tried everything the instructions have told me to, but nothing. It seems nothing can talk to my tablet. Anyway to force my tablet to except this stuff.
My N7 goes up on the Device Manager list of windows, so it is being recognized. I can get to the bootloader screen also. Not sure what my next step is. Have you unlocked your device yet? Unlocking is a prerequisite for flashing stock.
If you have unlocked, please post a screenshot of the failed flash. It says on the bootloader screen that my locked state is locked. How can I change that without my tablet turning on? I see now the unlock section of the Toolkit.
I was hitting the OK button I think each time and it would not do anything. I now have the Unlock bootloader screen on my tablet and have clicked yes. Pressed the power button and nothing. Seems to just stay highlighted on Yes and does not change from there.
Or try removing the usb cable when you see that screen before pressing the Yes via the power button. Also tried removing USB cable when I see the screen, does not change anything. Otherwise my situation is exactly the same as the original post from ronjcar.
Just stay in bootloader mode, and use the toolkits unlock button. Chose the option to do it manually. I have the same issue as ronjcar. I have never received any errors when rooting. And looking at my code, I am really unsure how that error could even be present at that point.
Please confirm you are running v1. I am a bit confused. I just experienced the exact same error. Seemed to happen right at the end after the final reboot, just after it said device detected…. I did reinstall the program but still having the same problem.
I run win 8. Have you tried basic windows clean-up, and maintenance trouble-shooting, like running ccleaner for registry errors. I have never even heard of gdipp until you posted that. But here is the official page for it.
Maybe you made a bad install. Sorry man, but this program is totally not related to my program. That is the most I can help. I had used ccleaner cuople of weeks back. I have a Nexus 4. I am trying not to ruin my phone.
Maybe try solution 1 instead. Or proceed to the driver test. Just an FYI — if you configure your drivers incorrectly, its not going to ruin your phone.. So need to worry. Just attempt to configure your drivers, run the driver test..
Hey I have nexus 4. Hi — when attempting to backup SD card on android 4. Does this mean not on lock screen or the type of unlocked that wipes everything? Hey, I really need to add a detailed response to this in the FAQ, and my apologies for the late response.
Create an androidbackup with neither shared nor system apps checked. Also backup any folders on your sdcard that appear to be auto-created by games on your device. If you want to be super safe, you could just backup your entire sdcard and then restore stuff back selectively.
Backup SMS and call logs if you care to keep that. You could also backup contacts however they more likely auto-synced with your gmail account. Sign into your primary gmail during initial setup and let google play automatically restore your apps.
Reconfigure your system settings manually like email accounts, stock home launcher layout, etc. This will give you the most complete and cleanest restore possible. The main annoyance will be re-setting up your email accounts and homescreen layout if you use the stock android home launcher ; other than that, you will have everything back and be back to where you started.
Hi Thanks for your gr8 work I am planning to buy nexus 7 lte. Unlocking may void your warranty however re-locking your device with the toolkit will make it impossible to detect that it was ever unlocked.
There is a special SMS backup feature as well. That said, I believe sms gets stored in an sql database here: I am trying to recover data from my soft-bricked Nexus 4. Can I use the toolkit for this? If the bootloader is locked, there is very little you can do.
Without the toolkit, in bootloader mode;. Hopefully this will allow you to boot up. Edit, here I found a youtube video: Thanks for this, I was able to wipe the cache using your directions. Unfortunately, though, the phone would not boot up after that.
I tried a couple times and now something extra-weird is happening: When I hold down the power button, it just goes back into the loop with the Google circles going in and out. To get your device working, try doing a factory reset from stock recovery.
Okay, thanks, I lost the data but at least I have my phone back. Have no idea how it got into that state! Thanks for helping me get it back! My computer is running in win 7 64 bits. What can I do? Re-installed the software and same… Reboot pc, reboot nexus 7 and still nothing.
You are a genius! I was running Android L on my Nexus 5 and wanted to take it back to 4. I will be donating to you. You mean a Nexus One? If I got my hands on one, I would probably try and support it for nostalgia sake.
First, thank you for an amazing Toolkit! I successfully installed the drivers and proceeded through the unlock process. For all intents and purposes it appears to have been at least partially successful. Should I proceed through the Full Driver Installation process again?
Is there something that I might have missed in the steps? Could this have an effect? Yea I managed to delete ALL my drivers for all my android devices then reboot then had to go through about 40 more steps to get it to work… not as simple as many people say.
Sorry you are having difficulties. I made the driver installation as simple as humanly possible. I hope you get it resolved. There was nothing wrong with the software. Yes, you can flash any available android version to your device easily with the toolkit.
This is a lifesaver. I was able to flash back to stock and OEM Lock it to prevent me from ever bricking it again. Combination of, hold volume button down then insert charger, the nexus 4 will boot to fastboot mode.
I was rooting Nexus 4 running on KitKat 4. How is that possible? This update requires bootloader 4. To make matters worse my usb debugging is NOT enabled. Can you guide me or point me to the steps that can help me recover my phone?
You can unlock and flash stock purely in bootloader mode. No USB debug required. The unlock script asks if you want to start in bootloader mode. My Nexus 4 is stuck on a boot loop. I am unsure if usb debugging is enabled or not.
When I run the tool kit I get the message. I do not know what to do and am asking if you could help with instructions. Please and thank you! So my Nexus 7 is stuck on a boot loop where it only displays the Google screen — endlessly.
It will sit here like this for hours, not doing anything. Does this process normally take longer, and I am just being impatient? If I press the power button on my tablet in the midst of this it finally pulls up the following text….
Also try rebooting your computer. Those errors are indicative of a wonky USB connection. To answer your first question; No — erasing boot should like like 1 second. Let me know if you get everything resolved.
I appreciate the suggestion… but it seems to still be an issue. I have restarted my computer multiple times, and tried at least two other cables. Seems that it is still an issue though as it will just sit here for ages not changing at all.
Attempting to unlock the bootloader freezes, as does anything else I seem to try… Any other thoughts?? Do you have an unlocked bootloader? Some sections says that the bootloader is locked. Looks something like this: And when you say, it gets stuck on waiting for device..
Or is stuck in bootloader mode? There are four available options to choose from. Had Android L Developer review installed. Was a bit buggy and was interfering with other apps. This made reverting back to stock 4. Well done and thank you!
BTW, will you have the new 5. Greetings, Just wanted to put in a HUGE thank you, your efforts with NRT have helped me for some time now learning android and playing around with multiple devices! Please keep up the great work!!!
All the best, Dave Stanton. I am having a problem with unlocking the device. I run the toolkit and it sucessfully unlocks the device and shows up as unlocked at the bootloader screen. Any workaround to this? You really need your bootloader to unlock to do anything.
Try issuing a factory reset first: Instead Lollipop they will give us another new version of Android L Preview codename lpx13d. In a few minutes. Wug, You guys are awesome. Id installed Clockwork mod recovery.
Following the LONG way around using command prompts, etc got me no where. XDA suggested that you not use an automated script. Then I found your script. Boy am I glad that I found you. Getting back to stock was simple.
Just a few clicks…. Took a few tries to get the phone locked again. But its all stock now and ready for the OTA. You will be seeing a donation for your hard work and simplifying the process so drastically! Anyways, I downloaded the stock factory image from Google and attempted to flash it through the toolkit..
Wait for SuperSU update to try again. Thank you for a reply. Eagerly waiting for the update. Change the build type to the latest official build. Same thing happened to me. By the way, as always, love you WugFresh!
Are you out on the Nexus 5? I figured it out, for CM11 users at least. Appreciate the software WugFresh! Appreciate the software WugFresh!! Getting Flash Write Failures on my Nexus 7. For what file specifically?
Does the download happen really quickly? I have used NRT to successfully unlock and root my Nexus 7 Now I want to lock the bootloader while keeping root. Can it be done with NRT? Yes, relocking the bootlader will work without flashing stock first.
That said, if you have problems in the future, it will make it more of a hassle to deal with. If you understand these limitations of relocking the bootloader, and still want to I am guessing for security reasons? Yes, for security reasons, and I understand the consequences.
Thanks for the quick response. Unlocking causes a WIPE. So if you are not unlocked yet, then you must backup stuff first. If you are running KitKat and trying to flash Lollipop — the procedure will wipe data unless you disable that in the settings menu..
I have installed factory image of Android 5. Now i must come back to stock 4. I unistalled old drivers, instaled new drivers, used Google drivers and also Universal Drivers or Pdna Drivers.. If your computer can see your device when its in bootloader, then you should have no problems flashing stock and returning to 4.
Let me know if there is a preferred way to notify you. Or if you just use changedetection, or something. Tried the original cable that comes with it still no luck. Am i doing something wrong?
Stuck on Google screen. Hi im very much new to doing this type of thing and I kind need some help walking me through the process of unrooting my nexus 5. I had a friend root it and I have no use for it and I would like to get rid of it.
Check out one of the many videos on youtube. The toolkit walks you through everything. I looked at Babbling Booleans video and I followed it all the way through and when I tried to flash the stock ROM it said that I did not have the proper driver packages.
And I installed them and it still did not work. Hey Wug, small problem. My original N7 soft bricked. Seems to work until near the end it hits this:. I tried manually starting the device with normal power on, restart bootloader and recovery mode but nothing goes anywhere.
Its fine that your device is messed up.. Thanks for the quick reply! The USB is still connected, but sitting for 30 mins — nothing happens. And then nothing happens. Simple power on does nothing.
Maybe the device is a goner? You are going to want to try factory resetting and trying to unlock again and flash stock again https: Actually, looking at the above text you posted. It looks like it already erased your data partition — so your device is already wiped.
I would keep trying to get that bootloader unlocked… if you can, you will be all set. Try a different computer, a different usb port… etc.
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Un saludo y gracias. Saludos Ibon ya he realizado el analisis completo del Malwarebytes y no me ha dado ningun problema. A la hora de realizar el scan de Hijackthis me aparece un mensaje de error que dice lo siguiente:.
For some reason your system denied write acess to the Hoots File. If any hijacked domain are in this file, Hijack This may not be able to this fix this. If that happens you need to edit the file yourself to do this click start, Run and type:.
Imagino que tienes como sistema operativo windows vista, no?. En cuanto a lo que tienes, estoy casi seguro que tienes un troyano. Pero vamos a esperar que dice el hijackthis. Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.
Creo que no se ha debido de copiar bien. De todas maneras, prueba con lo siguiente: Cierra todas las ventanas abiertas. Hacele doble clic al archivo ComboFix. Cuando termine, generara un registro en C: Por ultimo descarga y ejecuta el programa RegUnlocker para activar nuevamente las opciones del Firewall.
Al hacer esto, ya instalan todos los drivers que les hacen falta. No unconfigured bluetooth devices found. You should uninstall your existing bluetooth driver stack and reboot your computer. It is recommended to unplug or switch off your bluetooth adapter during uninstall process.
This will help us to fix the problem. De todas maneras te comento: Hola, no lo se que me paso, tengo un mini portatil y antes de ayer funccionaba y podria conectarle a internet ; ayer y hoy estoy intentando y no me conecta.
Desenchufamos de la corriente el cable-modem y apagamos el equipo. Deshabilitaremos tanto el de Windows como otro que hayamos podido instalar. Si de esta forma no se soluciona, el problema de la conectividad limitada o nula en sistemas Windows puede deberse a diversos motivos:.
Para poder convertir una foto en comic, usando este programa, tienes que seguir los pasos indicados en el videotutorial que tienes en la barra lateral de la web. Hola, tengo un PDA mobil Otek y quiero bajar el Tomtom navigador de Europa como hago… Tiene windows mobile y tantas cosas que no se usarlo…espero tu respuesta… un saludo.
Hola Ibon, quiero que me dices cual de esos dos es mas bueno de lo camara digital: Necesito saber de un diccionario o un traductor rumano vs espanol y viceversa… Saludos!!!! Lo primero que tienes que fijarte es en los formatos de archivos que lee tu DVD de casa.
Recibir nuevas entradas por email. Pero no soy capaz de encontrarlos, no se si es poq es otro programa o otra cosa. Un saludo y gracias. No me funciona el programita del keygen, no lo puedo abrir! Leer los comentarios ayuda..!
Y con esto ya activaron AutoDesk. Que hago si me dice que introduzca la ruta? Buen dia ya instale la version de prueba de 30 dias del inventor y llevo 15 dias trabajando con el y ya lo voy a activar lo abro y le doy en activar — hago bien cada paso que dise aca pero cuando le doy siguiente despues de pegar el codigo generado por x-force me aparece error.
Buen aporte… Muchas gracias, me sirvio mucho. No me funciona con windows Amigo, excelente aporte, me fue de gran ayuda, muchas gracias. No encuentro el link de descarga de keygen. Hola, no puedo descargar el archivo.
No es necesario pagar, solo da clic en mostrar enlaces de descarga. Me contesto a mi mismo. Y ya con eso me. Debe salir que se puede parchar. Q tal, no puedo bajar el crack me saale a un programa livid. Me das un consejo porfa gracias.
No es necesario ingresar esos datos para descargar, solo salta la publicidad. Gracias por el aporte todo funciona perfecto!! Hola, Gracias por el link de descarga! Hola, Cuando activo el autocad me dice que todo ok que puedo empezar a usar el programa, y cuando le doy a terminar me dice que no se puede verificar mi licencia y se cierra todo.
Favor del los link de Architectural en ingles o donde conseguirlo Gracias. No puedo copiar todo el codigo!!! Me da error el archivo. Cual es el error que te arroja?? Hola, para solucionar ese error has lo siguiente.
A mi me pasaba lo mismo, pero igual dale activar…. A mi no me acepta nada. Tengo el mismo problema, no me deja copiar todo el codigo. No funciona me sale el mismo error y he puesto todo bien, me faltan 7 caracteres.
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A cada golpe, un ruido y al poco rato el ruido se mantiene fijo. Por eso pienso que se trata del ventilador. Hola Muchachos alguien una vez vistos los problemas y resuelto por uds puede decir con certeza cuales son los drivers necesario pa que Win7 funcione bien.
A mi me funcionaron perfectamente, los problemas que da, son puntuales. Puede que te de problemas o no. No se de que dependen. Me da problema al reiniciar el equipo, me manda error en cuanto al sonido me dice en especifico me senala el archivo ACPI, en una pagina vi la manera de corregirlo pero la perdi.
Lo que no me funciona es el bluetooth. S ojala me ayuden. Cuando escribes en el teclado estas tocando el touchpad, por eso se te va el cursor al principio o se te cierra la pagina. Agradezco vuestra ayuda por adelantado, solo me falta eso.
Hola a todos, tengo un asus eee pc HA, me descargue todos los drivers y la guia desde la web de asus, tengo xp y estoy preparandome para pasar a seven, lo cual estoy empezando a dudar a raiz de distintos comentarios en este post, pero bueno mi pregunta es la siguiente, como se instala la actualizacion del BIOS?
Un saludo desde Argentina. Bueno, ya instale el W7 y va todo de maravillas, hice caso al post de juanjo del 10 de diciembre omitiendo la instalacion de los drivers AHCI, y todo bien, salvo la resolucion de la pantalla que antes tenia x x y x y luego de instalar el seven solo tenia x y x Espero que les sea util este aporte, les aseguro que si funciona y de maravillas!!
Que version de windows 7 intentaste instalar? Fijate que sea la version de 32bits y no la de Pero sin ninguna duda, windows 7 va en tu eee pc ha. Hola, no tengo mucha idea de ordenadores, el caso es que me he instalado el windows 7, y no me funcionan las teclas de acceso rapido como el mute, subir y bajar el volumen y la de la wifi, el resto como el brillo si la de la web cam tampoco, pero tampoco tenog el life frame, o ningun otro porgrama como antes tenia..
Lo del brillo si que funcione, pero no aparece ninguna imagen en la pantalla como antes aparecia. Hola, tengo una Asus Eee Pc, le instale windows 7 ultimate desatendido, pero tengo problemas para encontrar los drivers de webcam y tarjeta de video compatibles con este nuevo SO, podrias ayudarme?
Hola, tengo una netbook asus eee pc, con xp sp 2 de sistema operativo y de pronto algunos botones letras y flechas no funcionan. Como reparo esas teclas? He instalado windows 7 y todo esta perfecto, salvo que la cam no me funciona y no encuentro los drivers necesarios para hacerla funcionar.
04.12.2010 : 02:59 Mikarisar:
hola¡¡ ibon; soy mªj como no hemos hecho lo del emule, y tenia algunas preguntas, cuando me acuerde te ire haciendo algunas: una es como se ke servidores no valen para kitarlos de la lista, yo generalmente me coneccto siempre al mismo pero me gustaria saber cuales son los ke podria borrar de la lista y cuales son los mejores. Ccleaner descargar para windows 7 - CCleaner Slim La versión más ligera de CCleaner, y más programas. Manolo says: 24 noviembre en pm. Tengo un Eee PC H y he procedido a la instalación de Windows 7 según la hoja de instrucciones que está en la página de descargas para este notebook de ASUS, donde trae una lista de actualización y dice que se siga el orden escrupulosamente para evitar problemas.

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